I’ve talked with many women over the past few years whose fear and anxiety about money has kept them from having a good financial plan for themselves. One of the money stories they tell themselves is that they don’t know enough about money.
- It’s too complicated
- Investing is hard
- I have to have a lot of money in order to invest
- Taking care of things is my husband’s job
Are these things that you tell yourself? Have you convinced yourself that you can’t take care of your finances because it’s too complicated? And that you don’t have enough money to invest?
The good news is that you can change this. All of these are part of the money story you’re telling yourself. These are all limiting beliefs that you’ve learned. And that you can unlearn. Once you’ve changed the money story, you can get educated about how investing actually works. There are ways you can invest starting with a very small amount of money.
Don’t continue to feel this fear and anxiety about money. Money is just a tool to getting what you want in life. Please find a way to change these beliefs so you can feel excited about money for all the ways you can make it grow. For all the things it can do for you. Because money is a way to get the life you really want to live!