My coach and fellow (is there a female version of this?) Go Giver coach, Linda Ryan, has me doing a daily exercise for our coaching sessions. It’s called the 10:10 exercise. Every day I write 10 things I’m grateful for and 10 things I want to manifest. Some days I rattle off the lists easily and other days I struggle to fill it. Some days I even have to cheat and “borrow” from other days.
What I’ve noticed in the couple of weeks that I’ve been doing this exercise is that I’m much happier and appreciative from focusing on what I’m grateful for. The list of what I want to manifest is stretching me A LOT. It’s really opening me up to all my possibilities. I realize that for years I have mostly been settling for what is and getting comfortable in that. I am now asking for more, expecting more, and looking at the bigger picture of my life. It’s so much more fun!