According to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, when asked what they would be most embarrassed about, the overwhelming majority of respondents pointed to their credit card debt.
In my 5 Kinds of Money series, the 3rd category of money is Debt. This category has, by far, the most damaging emotional power of all the types of money.
What I’m noticing in the Money Map sessions that I’m offering is that Debt brings up so much embarrassment and shame that many people don’t even open their monthly bills. They don’t want to have to deal with the feelings that come up. People feel overwhelming shame, embarrassment, failure, anxiety, fear and sadness and the programmed belief/habitual talk is around worthlessness; “I’m a failure, I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m irresponsible.”
Think about how all of that affects your nervous system. Imagine saying to yourself several times a day, “I’m a failure, I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m irresponsible, I don’t deserve to be happy.” And this blocks you from actually getting out of that debt!
Many people who do Law of Attraction work, using positive thinking and focusing on abundance, may not consider how the energy, emotions, or beliefs about their debt impact their positive work. Now, on the positive side of debt, it means that some lending institution gave you credit by lending you money. So if you want to help the Law of Attraction work on your behalf, create positive thoughts about being in debt. Raise your positive vibration with “Yes, I am a person of integrity and I’m excellent when it comes to credit!”
And not all debt is bad. There may be times when you want or need a loan and that’s okay if you frame it in a positive way.
But the thought of owing money, more often makes you feel bad, even if it isn’t bad. These intense emotions and beliefs can contribute to horrible financial situations. And the good news is that getting rid of these emotions, limiting beliefs and your personal definition of debt can be one of the most powerful transformations in your life and finances. And this can be done by using EFT or Tapping to rid yourself of all of these. If you’d like to learn more about Tapping, click here.