Matrix Reimprinting
Conventional EFT (Tapping) is a way of getting into the non-verbal part of the brain that controls stress and the fight or flight response by tapping on meridian points. It’s like acupuncture without the needles.
Matrix Reimprinting is a method of changing a past memory by working with your younger self in that memory and actually changing the memory.
The idea behind this is that sometimes a part of you splits off during a really bad event in childhood in order to protect you from feeling overwhelmed. For you, the event just becomes a memory but to your split-off younger self, she is trapped in that event and is endlessly reliving it no matter how much time has passed. This is often the source of your:
- Limiting beliefs
- Addictions
- Phobias
- Allergies
- Negative core-beliefs
- Birth traumas
- Relationships issues
- And much more
With Matrix Reimprinting, you’re able to free that younger self from that memory by tapping away the distress. After the distress is lowered, we work with the younger self to change the picture of that memory to something wonderful and empowering. We reimprint that new picture through a simple process and now have a new, positive “memory” that overwrites the original one.
On a rational level, you know that the original event happened, but looking back, you see and feel the wonderful and empowering new picture.
This new picture not only changes how you feel, it also changes what you believe about yourself and the world. It’s a very powerful and profound tool to make important changes in your life.
If you have past memories you’d like to change, schedule a Chat with Teri call for more information.