Can you remember the last time you told someone about your BIG dream only to have them react negatively to it?
- You can’t do that!
- Are you seriously thinking that’s a good idea?
- Aren’t you kind of old to be changing your life like that?
- What about your responsibilities here?
- Do you know how much money that would take?
Do any of these sound familiar? Or maybe something else was said that felt discouraging, unhelpful, or kept you from thinking about your dream or at least from ever talking about it again out loud.
These are some of the dream destroyers – the things that will keep you from going after your dream or even having one. Worse, these statements may also trigger some of your own beliefs about not being deserving of more, being too old, failing, not being able to…
How do you confidently go after your dream with all of this going on? Simple. You recognize that these are just beliefs and you get rid of them. Now! So that you can go after that wonderful dream that you’ve been putting off for too long.
And the good news is that it’s quite simple and quick to turn those beliefs around. Let me know if I can help.